Author: Maya Herring

  • Telling the Truth is Naturally Impossible

    Do you have a simple and accurate definition of truth by which all communication can be measured? Consider this definition: Truth means to bring everything to light. Bringing everything to light includes all of the following: Bringing everything to light is also related to “doing” rather than highlighting verbal skills and perceived intellectual prowess. Bringing everything to light is always…

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  • Initial Responses to Life’s Challenges

    There is no way to avoid life’s challenges. Realizing this fact, followers of Christ should face every challenge with the goal of glorifying God. To glorify God in the face of difficulties, your initial responses should be to: Focus on the Lord and His divine provisions Ask God for wisdom, especially as you examine yourself…

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  • Gratifying Yourself or Glorifying Your Savior

    Overcoming Sin Series…#2 Presentations dealing with the subject of sin can make many people uncomfortable. Sin is not a comforting subject, so any aversion to that topic is understandable. On the other hand, everyone is affected by sin, so knowing how to deal with sin is beneficial and should be welcomed. The motivation behind any…

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  • God’s Peace is Available

    Perplexity Erased And Christ Embraced This snippet is excerpted from the more complete study titled Grace, Mercy, and Peace Divine peace comes from God and Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 1:3). This peace is a tranquil harmony of heart and mind that maintains Christ-centered well-being regardless of circumstances or people. At its foundation, this peace is a result of being justified by faith…

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  • Biblical Counseling – Part 3

    Biblical Counseling / Discipleship: Intertwined and Inseparable The definition of biblical counseling in this series indicates that believers growing in the Christ-life have the privilege of helping others face and deal with various aspects of life and relationships by relying on the Holy Spirit and the complete sufficiency of God’s Word. Valid biblical counseling occurs when…

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  • Biblical Counseling – Part 2

    Counseling…What Is It? Counseling occurs every day between friends, family members, work associates, team members, fellow students and, sometimes, between complete strangers. The definition of counseling implies its occurrence in daily life. Merriam Webster’s Online Dictionary says that counseling is “advice and support that is given to people to help them deal with problems, make…

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  • Biblical Counseling – Part 1

    Counseling…Based on What? For decades, a minority of believers in Christ have faithfully fought to maintain biblical standards regarding counseling beliefs and methodologies in the Body of Christ. At stake in this struggle are such principles as: Discerning believers in Christ easily recognize the battle lines listed above. They know that God the Father, Jesus…

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  • Your Identity in Christ

    Who Am I in Christ? Your identity defines who you are and is often linked to what you do, what you like, where you are from, or how you see yourself. For example, notice how some people introduce themselves for the first time. “Good morning. My name is Dr. Simms. I’m a pediatrician.” “Hi, I’m…

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  • What Does Jesus Mean to You?

    If there is anything believers tend to do more than any other, it is to forget Jesus. That may seem implausible, but why is there not more Bible reading and study each week than watching TV, reading various printed material, listening to popular music, or spending time on a hobby? Why is there not more prayer…

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  • Truth in Life Basic for Growth in Christ

    Believers who read the New Testament book of Ephesians recognize foundational spiritual truth presented in Ephesians 4:10-16. Ephesians 4:10-16 (NASB), He who descended is Himself also He who ascended far above all the heavens, so that He might fill all things. 11 And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, 12for the equipping of the…

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