Category: Church

  • Church – Up Close and Personal

    The church is composed of believers in Christ, all of whom are members of God’s family. These members are equipped to interact with one another in a way that fosters Christ-like growth and proclaims God’s glory. The New Testament describes this interactive dependence among members in various ways. Two images that emphasize the “up close…

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  • When and How to Leave a Church…or Not

    This article has been difficult to complete … not because of the subject but because of the timing of its release. It seemed that whenever the article was considered for publication, fellow believers—in different localities and in various churches—would announce they were leaving a church to join another. As a result, work on this article…

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  • Oikos – The Household Principle

    The New Testament Method for Evangelism and Discipleship* This is an excerpt from The Stewardship of God’s Truth Through Evangelism (Part 2) by J. Hampton Keathley III. The titles and links for each part of the 5-part series are listed at the conclusion. The Lord gave us the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20, “Go therefore and make disciples of…

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