Category: Politics/Leadership

  • Growing in the Christ-life – Part 1

    Biblical Possibility of Christ-like Change Worldwide, many people honor Jesus and respect the Bible, even though they do not consider either to be applicable to their faith or daily life. However, the primary thrust of God’s Word establishes the importance and reality of one’s relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ through His life, death, and…

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  • Gripping God’s Hand or Griping about His Plan

    This study will provide highlights of God’s faithfulness and the lowlights of His people’s fickleness. The presentation is different from usual WordTruth articles. This study is intended to get you directly into God’s Word for personal application and provide you with teaching insights to help others grow in Christ. Each major point of the study/teaching…

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  • God’s Purposes in His Children’s Trials

    There is nothing worse than a crushing trial. Since our natural inclination is to avoid discomfort, only authentic faith in Christ equips one to look beyond the valley of personal suffering to the pinnacle of suffering’s purposes. Maintaining this loftier perspective does not negate the reality or pain of walking through life’s valleys. A child…

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  • From Fear to Faith

    From Fear and its Self-focus to Faith and its God-Focus Fear has two primary faces in God’s Word. One face of fear is detrimental to spiritual growth, and the other is desired for Christ-like development. In the Bible, words associated with fear are translated in the following ways: “fear,” “awe,” “reverence,” “terror,” “to be afraid,” “to dread,” and…

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  • Do All for the Glory of God

    Your Purpose in Life Westminster CatechismQuestion 1: What is the chief and highest end of man?Answer: Man’s chief and highest end is to glorify God and fully to enjoy Him forever. God’s Word indicates that His purpose in this world is to disclose His glory (splendor, honor, worth). Beginning with creation and continuing with His…

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  • God of the Bible – Divinity of the Trinity

    Although the world teaches that any power greater than one’s self can be “god,” the Bible clearly teaches that there is only one true God who is worthy of worship. Exodus 20:1-6, Then God spoke all these words, saying, 2 ”I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of…

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  • Fulfilled Prophecies Verify Biblical Truth

    Consider this challenging statement—One can oppose and even disbelieve the truth of the Bible, but one cannot disprove any measurable fact mentioned in the Bible. Religious skeptics and Christians scholars alike have scrutinized measurable facts in the Bible related to geographical locations, significant people, and historical events. After centuries of intense and sometimes hostile examination,…

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  • Divine Sufficiency or Divine Deficiency

    Sufficient Scripture, Sufficient God or Deficient Scripture, Deficient God Do you trust the Bible as the authority for all spiritual matters and also believe that the Bible is more than sufficient to deal with all aspects of life and relationships? If you answer “yes,” then you are on solid biblical ground as the following passages demonstrate. (Psalm 119,…

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  • Discipleship Must be Based Solely on the Bible

    Most believers in Christ would agree, at least in theory, that Christ-honoring discipleship is based solely on the Bible. In practice, however, it is another matter. Surprisingly, true believers who trust the Bible completely regarding eternal salvation do not always trust the Bible’s sufficiency to deal with challenges of everyday life. Yet, if the Bible is not…

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  • Confession – Insight Into the Real You

    There are not many reliable avenues to gain insight into the “real you” . . . but your words, like a mirror, reflect what is in your heart. Luke 6:45, The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for…

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