We can learn about the prayer life of the Lord Jesus Christ through the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). Jesus is the perfect example for how to live, and His prayer habits provide a template for believers to follow in their own prayer life. HOW JESUS PRAYED WHEN JESUS PRAYED WHAT JESUS PRAYED AND WHAT HE TAUGHT ABOUT…
Excerpted from Forgiveness: The Impossible Possibility The challenge to maintain biblical forgiveness will be waged in the minds of those who grant forgiveness. The three major tests in this regard are Memory, Reminder, and Imagination (M.R.I.) Memories related to forgiven sins can resurface and be significant hindrances for believers to maintain biblical forgiveness. These memories often focus on painful…
Excerpted from Forgiveness: The Possible Impossibility Forgiveness is at the heart of Christianity. There is no activity of Christian life that is more closely aligned to the love of God and the willing sacrifice of Christ than forgiving others. Believers who practice forgiveness receive spiritual benefits but, on the other hand, consequences accrue to those choosing…
For most of us, the most pressing concern of prayer is the anticipated answer. Hindered by limited wisdom yet unhindered by boundless emotion and hope, we often want God to answer our prayers quickly and according to our perspective. God, however, initially responds to prayer requests in one of two ways. His answer is either yes or no,…
Divine peace comes from God and His Son, Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 1:3). This peace is a tranquil harmony of heart and mind that maintains Christ-centered well-being regardless of circumstances or people. 1 Corinthians 1:3, Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. At its foundation, this peace is a result…
There is a mystique about prayer that often keeps us from praying and, in the process, denies us the full benefits of prayer. Some of the misunderstandings about prayer involve knowing what words to say and what posture to assume in order to pray effectively. Prayer, however, can be God-honoring, faith-inspiring, meaningful, and effective when…
Fools and scoffers are the most difficult people in the world to deal with as a review of their characteristics will attest. (See The Most Difficult People in the World for a biblical description of fools and scoffers). Sadly, more people than you might think can become fools or scoffers apart from a relationship with Jesus Christ.…
Excerpted from Three Prayer Mistakes of Well-Meaning Believers A believer may pray, “Lord, give me more love for this person,” when encountering difficulties in a relationship or situations in life. That request assumes that the Lord has not yet provided sufficient love for a believer to deal with “problem people.” However, the Lord has already given…
Prayer is a major topic in God’s Word and is vital to a believer’s Christ-like development. Prayer was a significant practice of many who are mentioned in Scripture. We thank Cody Lawrence for compiling this comprehensive summary of prayer in the Old Testament. THE PEOPLE OF PRAYER GOD AND PRAYER DETAILS OF PRAYER OTHER MISCELLANEOUS THOUGHTS ABOUT PRAYER: _____ Rev. Cody C.…
A believer growing in Christ readily understands guidelines of Christ-honoring communication, such as: Ephesians 4:29, Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Colossians 4:6, Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned…