Unmasking Lies that Masquerade as Truth

Bringing Everything to Light

How is it possible to differentiate between falsehood and truth? That question cannot be answered accurately without a correct definition of truth – a definition that is applicable to any subject or situation in any culture or to any religious belief. A four-word phrase defines truth in such an all-encompassing manner, and that phrase is bringing everything to light. 1

If truth concerning any subject is determined by bringing everything to light, then purposeful communication regarding relationships, religion, health, politics, daily challenges, and any other issue of life is possible. Communication based on bringing everything to light does not guarantee agreements, but responses and related decisions have to face “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

In everyday life, however, bringing everything to light is not a priority and, in many situations, deliberate deception is the “norm.” For example:

Trying to determine “What is truth?” is a formidable task when bringing everything to light is avoided. When everything is not brought to light, the substitution of “Truth is in the eye of the beholder” takes center stage. In reality, the “eye of the beholder” is completely unnecessary if bringing everything to light is the basis for determining truth. The “eye of the beholder” concept also introduces a significant obstacle if bringing everything to light is to be accomplished. That obstacle is the natural self-centeredness (pride) of every person. When “self” dominates the announced quest for truth in any subject, then bringing everything to light is impossible. This means that “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” will not be revealed.

Self-centered people cannot help allowing personal perspectives to impact every consideration. The self-inspired “spin” inevitably leads to false (incomplete, distorted, or prearranged) conclusions. Self-oriented people will not bring anything to light that will expose their inherent pride, even if it means twisting or hiding relevant facts on very significant issues. As a result, lying—not bringing everything to light—is inevitable when self-centered people are left to their own devices.

Unless a person is transformed from within (a dramatic character change), lying is a way of life that colors every relationship and endeavor to some degree. This conclusion of “lifestyle lying” may seem overly harsh until one reviews the full-orbed meaning of bringing everything to light.

Bringing everything to light includes all of the following:

Bringing everything to light is also related to “doing” rather than highlighting verbal skills and perceived intellectual prowess. In other words, bringing everything to light is always accompanied by comments and actions that are in stark contrast to deception or concealment.

When truth—bringing everything to light—reigns, the “end does not justify the means” but instead, the “means (bringing everything to light) will justify the end.”

Basically, if a person or group avoids, conceals, or distorts any aspect of a problem or challenge and then provides an answer, that answer is a lie. A lie is the inevitable result when everything is not brought to light.

When part of the truth is deliberately withheld, some people have difficulty in describing that deception as a lie. Instead, “half-truth” is a “less offensive” term that many use to describe such deceit. In reality, a “half-truth” is a lie since everything is not brought to light.

The key to bringing everything to light in order to achieve “truth-full” conclusions is not accomplished by having self-oriented people work harder to reveal or communicate truth. Predictably, self-oriented people work diligently to hide truth (not bring everything to light) in order to get their own way or make themselves “look better.” Additionally, people are so naturally self-centered that they cannot accurately see this detriment and, given a chance to evaluate that condition, they will often avoid it. (See Are You a Loving Person?)

In light of the challenges that confront each of us in our personal lives and relationships—not to mention the many issues in politics, religion, science, education, and international concerns—wouldn’t it be comforting to know that bringing everything to light was the regular routine for truth to be determined? That would truly be good news. On the other hand, since “self” naturally dominates any aspect of life apart from God’s intervention, the global practice of bringing everything to light can be hoped for, but it won’t happen. Across the globe, self interest rules. Predictably, when the “me, myself, and I” tyrant is on the throne, bringing everything to light (determining truth) stays in a locked box.

Does that conclusion of “truth in a locked box” sound hopeless? Globally, it is. Personally, it doesn’t have to be. Not one of us has any control over others’ attempts to keep the light switch of truth in the “off” position. Each of us can, however, ask God for His help in bringing everything to light in every area of our life and relationships.

The primary aspect of truth that is being referenced in this article is the revelation of quantifiable facts, the specific essentials that comprise “the whole story” of any subject under consideration. These types of facts can be observed by using our five senses. There is another dimension of truth that is spiritually impacting and comes from God. This divine Truth provides clear guidelines for everyday life and relationships as well as giving hope for the life to come. When anyone faithfully responds to this Truth, initially by believing in Jesus Christ for salvation (John 3:16) 2 that is followed by loving obedience to biblical truth (1 John 5:3) 3 , then the challenges mentioned earlier in this article will simply be opportunities whereby all facts are consistently brought to light. (See Truth is Personal, Not Merely a Concept)



1 The definition of truth in this article is a summary of the multi-faceted dimensions of truth as found in any dictionary and a study of Greek and Hebrew words for “truth” in the Bible.

2 The text of John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

3 The text of 1 John 5:3 states, “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments.”


Unmasking Truths that Masquerade as Lies © 2009 WordTruth, Inc—http://www.wordtruth.net 3 Verses from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version © 2001Version by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers