Category: False Teaching

  • Good Works are not Good Enough and do not Work

    Doing good works—often defined as being obedient to religious tenets and/or moral practices—is the most commonly supposed qualification for a person to go to heaven, or “to enjoy the afterlife” as some religions state. You may not know it, but Christianity is the only spiritual belief that says it is impossible to qualify for heaven…

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  • Genuine Grace…Unedited Truth

    by Randy Alcorn, Director of Eternal Perspectives Ministries The world is desperately hungry for two things—grace and truth. Jesus Christ is full of both: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace andtruth” (John 1:14). When Jesus…

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  • Forgetting Your Sins…What Does the Bible Say?

    What does Scripture teach with regard to “forgetting your sins”? Does God’s Word teach that a believer is “to forget these sins” with the meaning of “not having a remembrance of those sins”? One will look in vain to find biblical support for the necessity of “being unable to recall” or “to lose remembrance” of…

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  • False Teaching That is Easily Recognized and Exposed

    The conflict between biblical truth and false teaching is a battle over what “source” (authority) is to be trusted. A person’s authoritative source of truth for life and relationships will either be from humans (natural wisdom, typically disseminated via books, public presentations, and broadcast media) or from God (divine wisdom stated in Scripture and portrayed…

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  • False Teaching in the Church and How to Oppose It

    False teaching has bombarded the Church for almost 2,000 years. In recent decades, this deception has come in like a tidal wave through publishing and broadcast media. Surprisingly, false teaching has received credibility in the Christian world by its echoes from pulpits and teaching positions in churches, schools, and seminaries around the globe. The present and long-term…

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  • False Teaching Attacks Truth About Jesus & the Bible

    False teachers have distorted or disregarded biblical truth for almost 2,000 years. Over this time, false teaching has been used in an attempt to undermine truth on two fronts: Jesus, God’s Son, and the Bible, God’s Word. Followers of Christ were warned in Scripture about this assault (2 Peter 2:1). The most obvious characteristic of false teaching is its…

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  • Exposing False Teaching…Is it Divisive?

    When a believer exposes false teaching, even in a biblically loving way, that person might still be considered unloving, hateful, or arrogant. Such an opinion is sometimes linked to the erroneous belief that exposing unbiblical teaching fosters disunity in the church. Beyond a doubt, believers in Christ are to maintain unity in the body of…

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  • Every Thought Captive

    Guest article from Give Me That Book “In their uncompromising determination to proclaim truth, Christians must avoid the intellectual flabbiness of the larger society. They must rally against the prevailing distrust of reason and the exaltation of the irrational. Emotional self-indulgence and irrationalities have always been the enemies of the gospel, and the apostles warned their…

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  • Counseling Must be Based Solely on the Bible

    God’s Word is changeless and remains as powerful and applicable to life today as it was for those living thousands of years ago. On the other hand, secular psychology and psychotherapy are relatively new approaches to address matters of life and conduct. Even though the Bible is applicable and sufficient to deal with all aspects…

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