Category: Truth

  • Biblical Counseling – Part 1

    Counseling…Based on What? For decades, a minority of believers in Christ have faithfully fought to maintain biblical standards regarding counseling beliefs and methodologies in the Body of Christ. At stake in this struggle are such principles as: Discerning believers in Christ easily recognize the battle lines listed above. They know that God the Father, Jesus…

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  • Your Identity in Christ

    Who Am I in Christ? Your identity defines who you are and is often linked to what you do, what you like, where you are from, or how you see yourself. For example, notice how some people introduce themselves for the first time. “Good morning. My name is Dr. Simms. I’m a pediatrician.” “Hi, I’m…

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  • Truth in Life Basic for Growth in Christ

    Believers who read the New Testament book of Ephesians recognize foundational spiritual truth presented in Ephesians 4:10-16. Ephesians 4:10-16 (NASB), He who descended is Himself also He who ascended far above all the heavens, so that He might fill all things. 11 And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, 12for the equipping of the…

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  • The Supremacy of Christ in Counseling

    by Dr. Gary Rieben (Missionary to Malawi, Africa) A counseling session in a totally Christian setting should be radically different from its counterpart in the secular world. The following description of an actual counseling situation demonstrates the difference that Christ makes when His supremacy is acknowledged in every aspect of life. Colossians 1:17-18, He is…

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  • Spiritual Realities Before and After Receiving Christ

    The moral relativism stated in the phrase “I’m OK, you’re OK” is often embraced in a world where “everyone does what is right in one’s own eyes.” In the realm of biblical truth, however, these self-oriented statements are “not OK” even though they are indicative of popular beliefs and lifestyles. This study will reveal whether or not you…

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  • Jesus…Creator, Sustainer, Finisher

    In light of who Jesus is, what He has done, and what He will do, you may have already placed your life, now and forever, in His care. If so, rejoice in Him and live for Him! If not, take time to read Life’s Most Important Decision. _____ Jesus…Creator, Sustainer, Finisher © 2015 WordTruth, Inc— Verses from Holy…

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  • Jesus – Who is He?

    Every person throughout history can be described by personal traits, accomplishments, and relationships. There was, however, only One Person in history with both human and divine characteristics. This person is Jesus the Christ (Messiah), the most well-known person in history yet, paradoxically, the most incomprehensible. The many and varied characteristics of Jesus are provided below in…

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  • Is Jesus Lord of Your Life?

    The declaration that JESUS IS LORD has one meaning but many applications. This phrase encompasses all of history—past, present, and future—and reveals the power that orders the universe. When believers realize the vast dimension of the Lordship of Christ, they will live as Christ-like servants and anticipate their future life as joint heirs with Jesus throughout eternity.…

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  • Grace, Mercy, and Peace

    2 Timothy 1:2 The Apostle Paul typically opened and sometimes closed his letters with at least two of the three words in the above verse. These three words—grace, mercy, and peace—are recognized by believers in Christ but often “brushed over” when these words are read in Scripture, heard in sermons, or spoken in spiritually oriented…

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  • When Relevance Trumps Reverence

    By Thaddeus Williams, Adjunct Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at BIOLA The Peace and Love Hippie Hostel is one of Paris’ most budget-friendly, a dingy sanctuary for under-showered backpackers. It was there that I met Derrick. Derrick didn’t believe in organized religion. Derrick didn’t believe in unorganized religion. Derrick believed in marijuana, and that…

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